Two proposals of site improvement

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  1. It would be nice to have a number of new forum posts since last visit shown, for example on forums main page under the menu bar.
  2. Forum moderation policy, shown for a new user when creating an account, should be also available somewhere later. Maybe as a pinned forum post.

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Great ideas - new forum posts are highlighted in the forum overview - that is how i saw your post :D

I will copy the moderation rules to somewhere - thanks for the suggestion

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Would be nice to be able to subscribe to forum threads and get email notifications on new posts/comments

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@darren coles
I added the option to subscribe to forum topics, but this needs to be tested. In users' accounts the frequency can be set. Please, let me know if that works.

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Thanks Walkero! When will forum updates be available via email also? I'd like to be notified by daily digest of posts to the E forum. There seems to be a button missing for that.

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I had to remove the forum subscriptions because this had many issues. I am working on a replacement.