Welcome and what we are currently working on

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Currently Jason has completed a new chapter about menus under intuition, gadtools and ReAction.

I'm over half way through a new chapter about making your own gadget, and when I'm done we will publish that.

If you guys have questions about the book so far, or ideas for future chapters or subsections, please feel free to say so.

Btw: Thomas Richter is working on a similar project documenting: dos.library

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The RKRM changes and additions on this website have been updated with 2 new chapters. Enjoy !

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If you have requests for which chapters we should write next, then please reply here with a suggestion. Myself I feel motivate to write about clicktab.gadget.

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Why is Thor work on DOS not part of the new RKRM?

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Basically we started our work independently of each other. And we haven't really discussed putting them together. But looking at the size of his work, I think it deserves to be in a book of its own. If he is interested we are more than willing, but I don't think either of us are in a rush

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Since the latest RKRM only cover 2.0, your work cover 3.x. When do you think your « book » will be completed? I guess that you can use the documentation provided in the Devcon. PDF for 3.0/3.1.

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I think it will take many years to complete - we are not working on it full time - too busy with other projects. Jason and I do not have the rights to amigamails or devcon notes so I would not venture into copying those.

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Yes, I (Jason) add to it whenever I can and it is always growing and improving, but it is a lower priority as mentioned by Camilla.

Even though we can't copy AmigaMail articles, I certainly do refer to them and incorporate the important principles laid out in them when putting together each part of the RKRM update so rest assured that those principles are being included where valid.

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Hello, I'm Krabob , and as there is a gcc able to do some C++11 and fast accelerators , I'm trying to port gpl things to OS3 on my free time.
Ive ported a MAME0.106 last year, 10 monthes of work. I'm looking if porting some VLC or MPlayer (would need a libavcodec and libva first). I looked the Audacity/wxwidget sources and frankly it is a very bad idea to port either for tons of reasons. recoding a sound mixer from start will be faster, so I dig both MUI an reaction for a "audacity-like" front end for AHI.
I'm into a phase where I test what is cool to do with intuition, rtg and native, and testing things before really staring a serious project.

I think I will do a "library / boospi class/gadget" wizard that create projects to generate and test classes, for both gcc and sasc. I've been searching that for years, and I've just flearn to do that with gcc6.5 recently. (Yes I know, stormC4 useds to do that super good in 2002, but they had their private makefile system that cant be reused)
... All that all that

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Hi krabob. Sounds great. There are quire a number of pitfalls when creating a library, that we really want to document and make atemplate for. The fact that you have done it with gcc sounds interesting. Obviously not that different from other compilers, but there is always "that little annoying quirk". In the 3.3 NDK (if not before) we will have a header file that makes automated tests easier (inspired by boost test if you know that)