How good is Codecraft with E?

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I realize that Codecraft is a wonderful piece of software. I read that has integrated debugging with SAS/C generated code and ¿E?. Is it fully useable with code generated with E-VO?

If so, it is a good reason to upgrade to 3.2 an use Codecraft


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As far as I understand Darrens test you can step through the execution one source line at a time, and step into functions.

But you cannot inspect variables, as that relies on the compiler supplying relevant information. Only SAS/C does that. Gcc too but we cannot read that (yet).

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Spooky that you should mention this. I've been playing with codecraft today and looking at improving the debug info provided by e-vo. I'm just trying stuff out at the moment and the changes probably won't make it into the next release of e-vo (which should be pretty soon) but it is definitely something I want to do for a future release

For now you can step through the code and set breakpoints.